Engineers of Innovation

Alumni association of the Engineering programme at the University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam

31st January 2020

3rd anniversary

At Friday the 21st of February we are celebrating our third year anniversary! We hope a large group will attend just like last year. We hope on a great vibe,  and a great success. We would like to thank De Prael for helping us host this evening. (more…)
5th September 2019

Last racing weekend

The 6th and 7th of September we will be present at the last raceweekend of the year in Dordrecht. In the past couple of weeks we repaired the hydrofoil supports and we are ready to give it our all again. 

7th July 2019

Back to home

?? Na een lange, uitputtende maar voornamelijk leuke week zijn wij weer onderweg naar huis. Tijdens de races in Monaco hebben we weer bergen aan ervaring opgedaan. Nu eerst bijkomen en dan snel aan de slag om onze vleugel te repareren! ?? After a long, exhausting but mostly fun week, we are back on the road towards home. During the races in Monaco we gained tons of experience. After we are fully recovered and rested from the races we will start focusing on rebuilding the hydrofoil!RS Components, Yacht Club De Monaco, #watsonparker, Altium, TransIP, Eurocircuits, De Prael, Conta-Clip Nederland B.V., PM Komponenten B.V.

Geplaatst door Engineers of Innovation op Zondag 7 juli 2019

After a long, exhausting but mostly fun week, we are back on the road towards home. During the races in Monaco, we gained tons of experience. After we are fully recovered and rested from the races we will start focusing on rebuilding the hydrofoil!

6th July 2019

A major setback

We just experienced a major setback. While preparing for the slalom and match races our front foil broke. Unfortunately, this is not something we can easily fix. Determined to continue racing we will sail the rest of competitions without foils. Unfortunately, this will greatly reduce our performance.

4th July 2019

The first impression of Monaco

The first impression of the Solar & Energy Boat Challenge at the Yacht Club De Monaco.

Monaco 2019 (Arrival, Inspection, Testing)

?? The first impression of the Solar & Energy Boat Challenge at the Yacht Club De Monaco. ?? Hier is een indruk van onze eerste dagen bij de Solar & Energy Boat Challenge. #mcsebcRS Components, #watsonparker, Altium, TransIP, Eurocircuits, De Prael, Conta-Clip Nederland B.V., PM Komponenten B.V.Music by: Ikson

Geplaatst door Engineers of Innovation op Donderdag 4 juli 2019

Planned events

Engineering on the edge